Flight Terms and Conditions

** Terms and Conditions **


Please read carefully the following Terms of Use before purchasing or downloading any items.

– Waiver –

The information and/or advice presenting in this program is not medical advice and should be viewed as entertainment only.  It is your responsibility prior to making any changes to your current exercise or training routine to get a medical examination and/or doctors approval to confirm you are in good health and it is safe to for you to make said changes.

Use of Flight Weightlifting is at your own risk. Flight Weightlifting and its employees, as well as any partnering websites are not liable for any damages that arise out of your access to this site, whether they be direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive. The information provided on Flight Weightlifting website and by its employees is for education and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. In no event shall the owners and/or administrators of Flight Weightlifting, its website, its partners, vendors, or any third parties mentioned within the content of the website be liable for any damages or injuries however caused, whether it be during or after altering any nutritional or lifestyle program.

Flight Weightlifting assumes no responsibility for any aspect of health care administered as a result of content available on the website. Flight Weightlifting cannot be held responsible for any claims relating to illness/ailments that are deemed to have possibly arisen from reading any material on this website, including the websites identified on our links page. Flight Weightlifting is not intended to replace the advice of medical practitioners. Flight Weightlifting employees do not diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions. Barbell Shrugged employees are not registered or license nutritionists or dietitians and therefore can only provide general (non-medical) nutrition advice.

Any person suffering from a medical condition or unexplained symptoms should consult their doctor. If you, the client, suspect that you may have an illness or medical condition, then you are encouraged to seek medical attention from a licensed physician. Information and recommendations given by Flight Weightlifting are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice and treatment of a doctor. The content of Flight Weightlifting website is intended for general use and is not designed to diagnose or treat medical conditions or to replace medical advice.

– Access –

This license grants you a non-exclusive, limited time, online use of the items accessed from http://members.barbellshrugged.com for duration you’re enrolled in the program plus 1 additional year following your final day in the program. After 1 year, if you would like to keep your online access to this program you can do so for a small monthly subscription of $19 per month.


– Billing –

Monthly payments will be drafted from your account consistent with your original start date.  By signing up for this program you are agreeing to participate for a minimum of 12 months after which you will go on a month to month billing schedule.  Any and all changes (credit card updates) require a 15 day lead time and can be made by emailing help@barbellshrugged.com.


– Agreement Duration and Automatic Renewal –

Agreement is in effect for 12 months from the agreement start Date, with automatic renewal for subsequent months, unless cancelled with notification via email (see cancellation policy below) at least 15 days in advance of the next billing date. See below regarding how to freeze your auto pay.


– Support –

For technical support you can email help@barbellshrugged.com.  We will not provide any technical support via Facebook, Twitter or any other social media. If you have any membership or billing questions please contact us. We are committed to help you with any type of technical support query, however we can’t provide extensive help in terms of technological customizations.

– Freeze Auto-Pay Due to Injury –

You may freeze your auto pay ONLY if you cannot perform exercise due to extreme illness, injury or other related health factors. A copy (photograph, scanned) of signed doctor’s note describing injury/illness duration and limitations.


To freeze your auto pay, a completed request must be submitted via email at least 15 days in advance of your next billing date in order for your request to be effective for the following month. Billing date is based on your activation date. Accounts can be frozen for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 2 months.


The monthly cost of a frozen account is $27 per month. The length of the agreement will extend one month for each month the account is frozen.


– Refund Policy –

If you are not satisfied with the product or any reason you can email help@barbellshrugged.com within 30 days (starting on Day 1 of the program) to receive a full refund.


– Cancellation Policy –

After the first 30 days of the program (starting on Day 1), you may buy your way out of your contract by providing a monetary lump sum equal to 3 months of training.  If you cancel you forfeit all future content scheduled in the program.

Please note that you must submit a notification via email at least 15 days in advance of the next billing date.

– Access to Bonus Materials –

All course bonus videos will initially be distributed on a weekly basis.  You will recieve membership access to each individual course as well as other bonus courses after the full 12 month program has ended. With membership access comes the option to download all aspects of each program.


– Privacy Policy –

Any information submitted will be used solely for the purpose of completing the transaction, delivering the product and addressing any customer service issues.  As part of your purchase you will also be added to our weekly newsletter.


– Contact Info –

If you have any questions you can contact Elise at help@barbellshrugged.com.  Fitr.tv is located at 8420 Thorgenson Cv. Cordova, TN 38018.  To speak with a member of our team you can call 901-500-5131.


Thank you for your support!